Respected Sreenadh ji and Members,
Hare Rama Krsna,
Nice review written on LK, any traditional astrologer whenever reads this book first time, similar doubts comes in the mind as you have mentioned.
[sreenadhji]//"Lalkitab system is nothing but an expert shortcut system to AIA".//
I accept this statement partially. Actually it looks like a personal notebook of an experienced and expert astrologer, noted a collection of thumb rule for any combination he found to be effective at good persentage within his reach of his clientable. Hence it looks like a short-cut.
But actually Its basically works on the principle of visible symptoms of the native.
For say when a patient comes to doctor he verifies clinically symptoms, laboratory reports etc to give his own final statement about the disease.
//For example to know whether there is any problem to the body at the time of birth, we check the signs starting from Aries considering Aries as head, Taurus as face and so on (The base quotes using being "Kalangani varangam anana muro....." from Brihat Jataka and "Kala narasyavayaval purushanam kalpayel presavakale..." from saravali). And also we check the houses starting from Lagna considering Lagna as head, 2nd house as face and so on. (The base quote being "Murtha Asya gala skandha...." found in Jaka Adesa Marga and many other texts). This technique of checking the horoscopes starting from Aries as well as Lagna is used extensively in AIA in almost every situation. Thus in truth the Aries signify lagna and Lagna signify Aries.
Therefore LK system combines these two things into one saying that - the signs should be counted from Lagna. Thus Lagna is considered similar to Aries, 2nd house similar to Taurus, 3rd house similar to Gemini and so on. And this is how the signs gets dropped in LK, but still being used in another way! I would say that it is an excellent shortcut approach, worth studying. (LK at any time does not seems to have given much importance to Nakshatras, so that is not considered here) //
LK has used only standard house and planet relationship, discarding all other panchangas values. This main reason was to bring a coherent relationship between Palm and horoscope.
It is not a short-cut. The centre spread of the palm is divided into 12 House divisions and various line and symbols signifies the relationship between planets and houses. This a very unique concept, a unique theory, to make horoscope from palm, only available with LK This technique we are not finding in AIA, hence we can say due to lack to this type of knowledge in AIA, it is not compatible with AIA. For eg, there is two Mars distinctly mentioned everywhere in LK, 'Mangal Nek' and 'Mangal Badh', non-compatible with the literature of AIA.
The palm basically signifies the mental and emotional states of person or 'Bhava' and appreances of line and symbols indicated the influnce of 'Graha' on the native in the palm, hence only 'Bhava - Graha' relationship is considered in LK.
This theory in LK is further extended to Phrenology, face reading. foot reading, house (home) reading. Horoscopic values are not very important, many time it is overruled by the house-planet relationship indicated by the palm.
[sreenadhji]//I think this would a good point to introduce the concept of own house, exaltation, debilitation, planet of luck, planet of planet result, and planet of sign result related to every house as per LK and to provide a comparison of that against AIA perspective.
Note: Usually the `planet of luck' is a planet which has either the lordship or exaltation in that house.
First of all i will like to say that LK has given some set of rule to find the planet of Luck. (see Khana no.1 in LK-42), The most important factor is that among many planet only that planet which is most 'Qayam' (Stable) becomes the planet of luck. This should be visibily verified through palm, home, face readings, etc. Not only through basic horoscope made through birth details.
35 year dasa cycle itself is unique, 36-years sign dasa cycle is based on fingers \ phalanges divisions.
Neither yogini dasa is used, nor vimsottari direct concept is used.
Intrinsic meaning of exaltation\ debilitation does not at all matches with AIA, even if we consider Kalpurush kundli.
I think LK is the longest approach towards predictive astrology and its unique versatile approach combining, coherently many other streams of astrology into one, makes this non-compatible with AIA due to lack of literature.
[sreenadh ji]//as per Lalkitab planets change significance when they change house. For example Moonin 4th house
indicate mother, in 6th indicate maternal grand mother, in 8th indicate elder aunt, in 10th younger aunt etc. But may be instead of assuming that planet is changing significance as they change house, we can explain it better if we assume that the house signify such relatives and the results are getting visible through the planets situated there. //
In LK, significance plays a major roles, and above statement is correct as per LK.
[sreenadhji] //Beneficial and Maleficial planets: LK does not consider any planet as inherently benefic or malefic. It says that every planet is capable of giving benefic or malefic results. (We should accept that this approach is logically correct and excellent) But this is introduces a new difficulty and complexity, and thus one of the most difficult areas in LK to master. Because there are numerous such rules are there which determine whether a planet is benefic or malefic in the given chart. "Such rules are too many. For each planet there are different rules, depending on which house the planet is and which other planets influence it. These rules are both for benefic and malefic results of that planet." So what makes a planet benefic or malefic as per LK? The answer would be – "The planetary placement and interrelationships of the planets. And most importantly, the jatak's way of life, habits, moral, attitude towards religion, relationships with other family members etc. e.g if some one insults his father, teacher or a purohit his jupiter will act as malefic even if it may be placed in the 4th house [exalted] and so on."
This is most important and most complex part of Lal-Kitab. Here what we say check the visible symptoms of the planets, their influence on the native.
[sreenadhji]//The concept of Dridha and Adhridha results is present in lalkitab system as well. As accepted in AIA Dridha results cannot be modified or changed with remedies but Adridha results can. But there is something special in deciding which are dridha and which are adridha results. Let me explain it a bit. As per LK every house is assigned one or more planets which indicate `planet of sign results' (rasiphal ka grah) and `planet of planet results' (grahaphal ka grah). It is said that `Planet of planet results' indicate dridha results and `planet of sign results' indicate adridha results. The remedies are said to work only for adridha results, i.e. results indicated by `planet of sign results'. Or in other words – "those planets which are considered as of `grah phal' are of dridha results and no upaya can be done for those planets. Those planets which are considered of `rasi phal' in a house are of adhridha results and an upaya can be done for them". //
This is again not easy to find out, many exception are there in the LK.
I have heard of two persons in Rajasthan one was in Alwar who used to erect horoscope from Palm, even zodiac sign of Lagna, never used birth details, and he kept that secret technique with him. The other one i think was from Bhilwara ( maybe i forgot now).
There are many sisyas of late Archarya Raj (well known palmist and astrologer, gone through LK) in Bikaner, they have their owm set of thumb rules to embrasses anyone, only from a basic horoscope, which is similar to LK.
The best part to compare LK with AIA is to consider only those verses where only house and planetary relationship is discussed.
There is some literature in AIA where moles and planatary relatioship is discussed that too can be compared with LK.
Other comparision may not be fruitful.
LK has used many different approach towards remedies, few i am mentioning :
1) like pacifying the Manda planet through donation, sewa (service) etc
2) Symbollically establishing or removing the effect of the planets through their objects. This type of concept is used in yantra-tantra. This is too much confusing and not readily acceptable by AIA.
3) By improving one's nature and refraining from those bad habit as indicated by the LK reading.
4) Sometime making the person very practical like for Jupiter in 10H person should become shrewd else his own people will cheat him everytime due to his generosity.
Vijay Goel
Dear Vijay Goel ji,
That was a very beautiful and informative mail. Thanks for sharing.

As you rightly point out there could be many areas that seem to be non-compatible. But let have a deep study specially regarding the areas which can be readily identified as compatible first. Then new light and realizations about the other parts may also sprung up or may be not. But any how this would be a worthy learning experience.
The most beautiful line as I felt in your mail is the following statement even though the mail as a whole was much informative.
//Actually it looks like a personal notebook of an experienced and expert astrologer, noted a collection of thumb rule for any combination he found to be effective at good percentage within his reach of his client-able. //
But then instead of saying that "Hence it looks like a short-cut", I would say that "Hence it is a short cut". Anyway that is a perspective difference that we can discuss in the course of this discussion and reach a mutual settlement - two of us might be seeing the partial truth, who knows, learning together many new ideas and realizations may strike us. And as a student of LK system for long you are my senior in this LK review, and being the beginner from the blank slate and open for any new ideas and realizations regarding this system.
But since my spring board and known system is AIA I would start from there than going to palmistry or phrenology and trying to start from there. Rather that would be my ending (or unending) points - the threads I may keep open for the future study.

Note: I am missing our dear Kulbir ji a lot in these discussions. I hope he will become active and share his understanding about this system with us pals.
Love and regards,
Respected Sreenadhji,
Hare Rama Krsna,
//But let have a deep study specially regarding the areas which can be readily identified as compatible first. //
//But since my spring board and known system is AIA I would start from there//
It will be very helpful, if you and all of us, summarize the verses with meanings related to only house-planet relationship from standard classical texts (AIA), step by step.
For eg 20th chapter of Sarawali, "graha bhava phal addaya ka kathan" Results of planets in various houses. This types of chapters should be taken and discussed whenever we want to compare with LK. We will find many similarities.
Vijay Goel
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