Let me add one more mail to this Lalkitab review sequence.

Continuing the method we have outlined let me continue this discussion by considering the second point I listed in the Review -2 mail.
Point – 2
// 2) Planetary Aspect (Drishti) – Planetary aspect is the same as in AIA. But there is a clause. `Aspect will be felt only if aspected house is occupied by another planet'. For example if Sun is placed in 10th house from Saturn then it can be said that Sun is aspected by Saturn. But if 10th house is vacant, then it cannot be said that Saturn is aspecting 10th house.//
Possibly that was too simple. Let me clarify a bit further. There are two types of aspects considered in LK. 1) Full aspect (which includes direct aspect as well as special aspect) and 2) Partial aspect We remember that these two considerations are there in AIA as well. Let us consider them one by one.
Full aspect: This includes direct aspect as well as special aspect. Direct aspect is the aspect on the 7th house from the house where the planet is placed. Special aspect is for Jupiter (on 5th and 9th), Mars (on 4th and 8th) and Saturn (on 3rd and 10th). As stated earlier the only extra clause is that - Aspect will be felt only if aspected house is occupied by another planet. But considering the fact that Partial aspect is also considered and also that there is a concept of dormant houses and planets, a clarification should be added. As per LK whether there is a planet in the aspected house or not the aspect would be there, but adds that the aspect results would be really felt if only there is a planet in the aspected house. Or in short generally speaking the full aspect concept of LK is the same as in AIA.
Partial Aspect: There seems to be total confusion regarding how the partial aspect should be counted in various LK camps. One camp states that the partial aspect is exactly the same as in AIA (i.e. 25% aspect in 3-10; 50% aspect in 5-9; 75% aspect in 4-8; and 0% aspect in 2-6-11-12); another camp states that the aspect should be counted in some other manner (e.g. 100% in 1-4-7-10; 505% in 3-5-9-11; 25% in 2-6-8-12); yet another camp is in another confusion. Let us leave the LK camps to fight among themselves and come to a conclusion on this. As of now instead of accepting any one parties opinion it is better for us that we leave this issue here accepting the diplomatic statements such as the one put forward by Nirmal ji – i.e. `The Drishti concept is totally different and still more research is required in this concept'. That is, no comment on this regard is worthwhile or going to lead to a definite conclusion at this point.
To be stated in general the LK perspective on Drishti (aspect) does seem to be compatible with AIA view (at least from a liberal view than an orthodox view). Anyway possibly there are neither any shortcuts nor longcuts used by LK here, but the concepts seem to be similar.
Point - 4
// 3) Some say that, as per Lalkitab planets change significance when they change house. For example Moon in 4th indicate mother, in 6th indicate maternal grand mother, in 8th indicate elder aunt, in 10th younger aunt etc. But may be instead of assuming that planet is changing significance as they change house, we can explain it better if we assume that the house signify such relatives and the results are getting visible through the planets situated there. //
As almost every LK followers seems to accept by now (here Bhooshan Priya ji and Nirmal ji already expressed this opinion I think), these are house significance rather than planetary significance. It is better correct to assume that "the house signify such relatives and the results are getting visible through the planets situated there". Or in short there is not much of difference between LK and AIA regarding this, may be except minor difference of opinion regarding the fact that which house signify what (which relative etc). For example the questions and confusions such as whether it is 9th or 10th which signify father etc are common to both LK and AIA. Thus here too LK approach seems to be well compatible with the AIA perspective. Anyway possibly there are neither any shortcuts nor longcuts used by LK here, but the concepts seem to be similar.
Point – 5
// 4) The concept of Dridha and Adhridha results is present in lalkitab system as well. As accepted in AIA Dridha results cannot be modified or changed with remedies but Adridha results can. But there is something special in deciding which are dridha and which are adridha results. Let me explain it a bit. As per LK every house is assigned one or more planets which indicate `planet of sign results' (rasiphal ka grah) and `planet of planet results' (grahaphal ka grah). It is said that `Planet of planet results' indicate dridha results and `planet of sign results' indicate adridha results. The remedies are said to work only for adridha results, i.e. results indicated by `planet of sign results'. Or in other words – "those planets which are considered as of `grah phal' are of dridha results and no upaya can be done for those planets. Those planets which are considered of `rasi phal' in a house are of adhridha results and an upaya can be done for them". //
The list of `planet of sign results' and `planet of planet results' related to every house would be given below –
House | Planet of Planet result (Grah phal ka grah) – indicating Dridha phal | Planet of House Result (Rasi phal ka grah) – indicating Adridha phal |
1 | Ma | Ra |
2 | Ra, Ke | - |
3 | Sa | Sa (for money matters) |
4 | Mo | Ma, Ve, Ke |
5 | Ju, Su | - |
6 | Me, Ke | Sa |
7 | Ve | Su, Ju, Ra |
8 | Ma | - |
9 | Ju | Sa |
10 | Sa | Me, Ke |
11 | Ju, Sa | - |
12 | Ra | Me |
How to determine which result is Dridha Phal (results indicated by Graha phal ka grah) and which is Adridha phal (results indicated by Rasi phal ka grah) as per LK? Let me quote the words of Nirmal ji as stated in one of the earlier mails posted in this thread-
"The main rule is the planet which resides in its Pakka Ghar, Rashi or Ghar, Its ghar of Exaltation or debilitation then it becomes Grah Phal Planets. The planets in other conditions became of rashi phal. In the later case the remedial measures can be prescribed by an astrologer. But in former case though in few circumstances the remedies are given in book and are considered safe. Pt. Ji has given a hidden warning that Few Great souls in the world can prescribe the remedies, but the result will be tit for tat. The story of Babar & Hamayun is cited as an example.
In both the cases the effect of planet cannot be altered. the summary of example given in the book is : A lion is coming towards a person. He raises a wall between him and Lion. Lion try to jump upon the wall he raises the wall more. So the lion cannot be stopped or driven away but the wall keeps on saving the man"
Later in a bit irrigated tone to my statement – "Usually even the walls will not be useful against Dridha results, even if someone try constructing the wall, the lion will jump over
the wall and eat the man for sure", Nirmal ji clarified further -
the wall and eat the man for sure", Nirmal ji clarified further -
"In case of Grah Phal Planets , even If the remedy is performed as suggested by some great person having its soul connected with God(it is not possible for the normal human to alter the result of Grah Phalplanet) , The man can be saved, but the lion may eat some other person probably the relative near to him which means that the effect is transferred to other person(That is why Babar Hamayun story is referred. Father performed remedy for the sake of Son's life. Son saved but father died)"
OK. I think that makes the basic picture regarding this from LK perspective I think. Any way in AIA perspective the technique for finding Dridha and Adridha results are entirely different. As per AIA –
Any result indicated by the three such as Yoga, Dasa and Gochara together are termed Dridha Results. Any result indicated by either one or two among the three (such as Yoga, Dasa, Gochara) are called Adirdha results.
Thus definitely the technique used to find Dridha and Adridha results differ here, but still the underlying concept seems to be the same – i.e. Dridha results cannot be normally altered is certain to happen, where as the Aridha results can be altered through remedies. In total here we see a partial compatibility between LK and AIA, though not total.
Point – 6
// 5) Friends and Enemy Planets: The concept and table is almost similar to AIA. But even if natural enemy, planets in the same house are treated as friends. It is similar to the `temporary friendship' concept of AIA.//
In AIA there is a concept of permanent friends and temporary friends – and the same can be considered in LK as well. Let us compare the LK and AIA view regarding both.
Permanent friendship-enmity:
Sl | Planet | Friend | Enemy | Nutral/Medium |
1 | Sun (LK) | Mo, Ma, Ju | Ve, Sa, (Ra) | Me, Ke |
| Sun (AIA) | Mo, Ma, Ju | Ve, Sa, (Ra) | Me, (Ke) |
2 | Moon (LK) | Su, Me | (Ke) | Ma, Me, Ve, Sa, Ra |
| Moon (AIA) | Su, Me | (Ke) | Ma, Ju, Ve, Sa, (Ra) |
3 | Mars (LK) | Su, Mo, Ju | Me, Ke | Ve, Sa, (Ra) |
| Mars (AIA) | Su, Mo, Ju | Me, (Ke) | Ve, Sa, (Ra) |
4 | Mercury (LK) | Su, Ve, Ra | Mo | Ma, Ju, Sa, Ke |
| Mercury (AIA) | Su, Ve, (Ra) | Mo | Ma, Ju, Sa, (Ke) |
5 | Jupiter (LK) | Su, Mo, Ma | Me, Ve | Sa, Ra, Ke |
| Jupiter (AIA) | Su, Mo, Ma | Me, Ve | Sa, (Ra, Ke) |
6 | Venus (LK) | Me, Sa, Ke | Su, Mo, Ra | Ma, Ju |
| Venus (AIA) | Me, Sa, (Ke) | Su, Mo, (Ra) | Ma, Ju |
7 | Saturn (LK) | Me, Ve, Ra | Su, Mo, Ma | Ju, Ke |
| Saturn (AIA) | Me, Ve, (Ra) | Su, Mo, Ma | Ju, (Ke) |
8 | Rahu (LK) | Me, Sa, Ke | Su, Ma, Ve | Ju, Mo |
| Rahu (AIA) | (Me, Sa, Ke) | (Su, Ma, Ve) | (Ju, Mo) |
9 | Ketu (LK) | Ve, Ra | Mo, Ma | Me, Ju, Sa |
| Ketu (AIA) | (Ve, Ra) | (Mo, Ma) | (Me, Ju, Sa) |
Every planet given in bracket in the above list depicts some amount of confusion regarding whether to include it there or not. As you could note there is a lot of confusion regarding where to include Rahu and Ketu in AIA, where in that amount the similar confusion cannot be found in LK, even though there too the same is present. As you could see both the lists are compatible and actually it is better to say that LK has resolved some of the confusions regarding Rahu and Ketu present in AIA! Good! LK list seems to be an improved version of AIA friendship-enmity list for planets! May be AIA followers should take lesson from LK on this! Thus LK and AIA has excellent compatibility here.
Temporary friendship-enmity:
As per AIA, planets placed in 10-11-12-1-2-3-4 are considered as temporary friends.
LK do not go for all these complexity, but simply treat any planet placed along with another planet simply as friends! This excellent expert short-cut approach of LK we will witness in many more scenarios.
As I become more and more familiar with LK, for me it seems like a simple and straight villager's approach to astrology. An expert villager who is not interested in complexities but in predicting, in deriving results, and nothing else! Whatever tools and shortcuts come handy he uses all of them! Possibly this is the very reason –
1) LK drops all vargas and depends on Natal chart alone
2) When it comes to temporary friendship-enmity of planets LK drops all complexity and treats planets in the same house, simply as friends.
3) LK drops the whole concept of Signs and Nakshatras and uses only houses.
4) Apart from astrology LK tries to utilize Hastarekha, Samudrika and Vastu wherever possible.
5) LK tries go well in tune with the village culture and rituals, and utilizes the common mans idioms, phrases, ethics and beliefs extensively.
Thus LK is a method that should be valued – because it is down to earth practical astrologers approach. Here we learn a new and very important lesson in our LK study – note it and remember it – we CANNOT expect to find complex rules in LK. If someone says that rules regarding something is complex is LK, that simply means that he is NOT understanding that section/portion of LK at all! LK cannot be complex, but only simple and straight! This realization could be very helpful to us while trying to understand the thought to be complex areas in LK for sure!
Enough for the day.
Love and regards,Sreenadh
Respected Sreenadh ji,
Nice work, among all 5 reviews i mark 4th part the best one.
//As I become more and more familiar with LK, for me it seems like a simple and straight villager's approach to astrology. An expert villager who is not interested in complexities but in predicting, in deriving results, and nothing else! Whatever tools and shortcuts come handy he uses all of them!//
Exactly !

Vijay Goel
Dear Vijay Goel ji,
//> Nice work, among all 5 reviews i mark 4th part the best one.//
It is through 4 that we came to 5, and it is through 5 that we will go to 6. So one step cannot be better than the other - every step is relevant.

//> Exactly ! [:)]//
Thanks for this note. That confirms that I am in the right track.

Love and regards,
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